Connect to Usenet using the following server settings on your newsreader:
NNTP Server Address:
SSL-Secured Ports:
563, 443
Unencrypted Ports:
119, 23, 25, 80, 3128
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ports are used to identify specific types of network services and allow for standardized communication between devices. There are many different types of protocols for different port types, but Usenet is transported via the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) through several different SSL-secured or non-SSL-secured TCP ports.
SSL ports allow for secure and private Usenet browsing, while unencrypted ports are often used for heavy open traffic. The issue with unencrypted ports is that anyone can see what files and posts you’re accessing. We highly recommend that you use one of our SSL-secured port options so that your data stays private and protected.
Unencrypted Port
Anyone can see what Usenet newsgroups and post you’re browsing when you use an unencrypted Usenet port.
SSL-Secured Port
With an SSL-secured port, no one - not even your ISP - can see what Usenet files and posts you’re accessing.
Newshosting has a Switzerland-based VPN (virtual private network) available so you can make your digital activity even more secure. With VPN, you get the best encryption on all your data, not just your Usenet activity. Choose from 233 servers in 50 countries to hide your physical location online, bypass content geo-blocks, and stay safe on public WiFi hotspots.
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